Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cut 1 :)

It was yet another gloomy day and I for inexplicable reasons had nothing to do this afternoon. I made myself some coffee and there was burst of energy and thus sprouted an idea- "Why don't I blog?”. Its my little kaleidoscope, if I may call this so.


Although the idea amused me I wanted to spend time reading a few blogs. I started with my dear friend Anusha's blog which I think is simple yet very powerful. Then I visited my dear husband's blog and was not 1 bit surprised. What I found there was that it was never updated after the very first post. I am determined not to go down that route. (No hard feelings Sumeet :-))


I must admit that I am technically impaired and a simple web registration process is quiet a challenge. But what was mammoth of a task was to find the right name for the blog. I have finally zeroed down on quafeeandcoffee. However, I am not sure how long I will like this for.


My day uno with this new found fetish looks successful so far...


  1. Welcome to the other side of the world Nams! Knowing you for the past few months I can very well say this is a great way to channelize your (excessive) energy.. You always have been a woman of "lots of words" and I'm sure we're going to have a great time reading about daily adventures and amusing anecdotes over time.
    Oh btw..the name smells of some nice freshly brewed coffee...buzz me if you want to go for one :)

  2. yo lassie - to make things easier only if blogging was like commentary. I bet I would have excelled.
    As i said i only hope this new found channel keeps me going :P

    Do you wanna go for some "Quaffe" ? I am up for it .. hehe


  3. neat, I finally inspired someone, or so I would like to think :). Welcome to the bloggers world, its fun once u get the hange of it

