Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's all about MAYA...

We live in a world of logic and reasoning. In any decision that we take, we ponder over the pros and cons, take a million opinions, read blogs, talk to people who have had similar situations.
Yet there are cases where the outcome is "Totally" different from what one would have anticipated.

Maybe many of us live in a "Fool's Paradise" - and yeah there are only a handful of things in ones entire life that he/she can truely control. We spend our lives planning "what to do next"?

List 10 things that you did today whose outcome could have been controlled by you? Maybe i would go as far as saying " I had complete control over an office memo I wrote this morning".
In the grand scheme of things this is SO menaingless. Are we chasing something all our life that just does not exist? Maybe we do. I do not know the answer to this.

I am certain it is going to be long and tiring quest but I am determined to find the unknown.

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